Tips & Resources

How to Plan a Safe and Rewarding Solo Trip

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Cellojones – Indeed, now you are familiar with the term solo traveling or a solo trip. Nowadays people are used to doing everything alone including traveling.

For those of you who have never tried solo trip, you can try it once in n a while to feel the thrill of visiting tourist spots alone.

However, before you go on a solo trip, make sure you have confirmed several things, for example, the tourist attractions you visit are safe places, the type of transportation you want to use, where you stay must also have adequate security facilities, and so on.

Apart from that, to become a solo traveler, make sure you have prepared the things needed in detail and detail. You can research the places you want to visit first, you can see reviews from people who have visited there, and from there you can consider your trip there.

Tips to Do Solo Trip

For those of you who are interested in doing a solo trip, and are confused about how to plan a safe and rewarding solo trip, you are at the right article.

Below we will help you provide points on how to plan a safe and rewarding solo trip, including the following

Ensure accommodation security

As a solo traveler, the first problem that must be prepared for is accommodation, safe and comfortable lodging.

It’s another thing to travel with a few friends or with a partner. The vacation itself requires extra security.

Choose to lodge with good reviews. Make sure the location of the inn is also conducive for those of you who want to walk everywhere alone.

Prepare travel plans

Even if you are traveling as a solo traveler, that does not mean you are free to go wherever you want without any preparation.

The next tips for solo traveling are by compiling several travel destinations (itineraries).

This is quite important to do. Don’t get to your destination where you’re confused about where to go.

Even looking confused when alone in an unfamiliar area puts you at risk of a crime. So, arrange the itinerary as best as possible.

Transportation access

A reliable kind of transportation is necessary for traveling between locations.

Therefore, you need to find public transportation that is easy to reach and reliable.

If using the bus or MRT, you must understand the daily departure time or schedule. Likewise, the limit on operating hours if there is one.

Apart from that, easy public transportation is a must, so that your traveling activities remain safe and comfortable.

Bring personal medicines

Going to a place that has not been visited before, takes a lot of courage. Especially if you go abroad yourself, right?

No one can overcome health problems while traveling but yourself.

Therefore, bring supplies of medicines as complete as possible. Starting from vitamins, dizziness medicine, pain reliever cream, to paracetamol.

Especially for those of you who need special medicines that are not sold freely in pharmacies, make sure you bring these medicines for your health.

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Set an alarm or use the hotel’s morning call feature

These solo traveling tips are often forgotten.

If you are one of those people who find it difficult to wake up early, it’s time to use the alarm or morning call facility at the hotel.

Especially if you want to pursue tourist attractions that do require getting up early.

Getting ready to explore the destination in the morning can maximize the time while on vacation alone.

Interact with residents

When you are a solo traveler, you don’t have a partner to share stories with. Well, it’s time to get closer to the locals.

Be warm and friendly with the people around you.

That way, you will be easily accepted. Not infrequently they will help if we are having trouble.

Sharing stories about the culture and lifestyle of residents can also be done.

This becomes new knowledge that you can share with family or friends later.

Prepare more money

Once again, being a solo traveler requires the readiness to overcome any problems while traveling alone.

For that, bring extra cash just in case.

For those of you who are used to cashless, prepare enough cash because in some places there are no debit or credit card facilities.

Document your trip

Even you goes alone, don’t forget the documentation session.

Capture every moment on vacation, especially in such an iconic place.

Trouble taking photos? You can ask for help from other people or tourists without feeling shy.

But you need to be vigilant, because in several places there is a cheating mode with ask tourists to take pictures, make sure you choose a trusted person to ask for help.

Culinary specialties

You can try a variety of foods that are famous in that place.

For example, in Bali, what you must try is sate lilit.

Take advantage of technological advances

Let’s take advantage of the various interesting features on your gadget or smartphone.

For example by using online transportation or to pay for food cashless.

In this modern era, technology will make our lives more practical. Especially if you are on vacation alone, of course this is very useful.

Prepare important documents

Check back a number of important documents to take on vacation alone!

Starting from passports, ID cards, lodging room cards and travel tickets.

Routinely checking all these important documents will save us from negligence.

Especially if you go alone, no one reminds you other than yourself, right?

Write down emergency numbers

Before traveling, let’s write down the emergency number that can be contacted in an emergency. It can be a partner, family, or friend.

Make details of emergency numbers that are easy to reach on our personal telephones. So, it can be easily found to be contacted at any time.

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Enable Live Location features

You can share your live location with your friends, or family. Besides being able to make the people closest to you calm, this also can make you feel as if you are being guarded from a distance.

Those are some tips from that you can do when going on a solo trip. You can adjust the points above according to your needs, you can reduce or add them.

Hopefully the information about how to plan a safe and rewarding solo trip above can be useful, and your solo trip can be safe and enjoyable. Happy holidays!

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