
How to Store and Prepare Food Safely

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Cellojones – Food is one of the basic human needs to be able to sustain life. In order for survival to be fulfilled, healthy food is needed in the sense that it contains nutritional value, is not contaminated by microbes (germs) and other harmful substances.

There are at least four factors that influence the availability of healthy and unhealthy food, namely location (building and place) of food management, food processing equipment, food handlers and the food itself.

To keep food healthy and safe, we must know how to handle food, store food, and prepare food.

How to Handle Food Safely

Food handling determines whether or not the food is healthy. Food handling is the process of changing the shape of raw materials into ready-to-eat food. All food handling activities must be carried out in a manner protected from direct contact with the body of the food handler.

Protection of direct body contact with food is carried out by using plastic, gloves, and food tongs. The things that need to determine the success of food handling are food handlers, how to handle food and where to handle food.

After the food is cooked, the food needs to be stored if the food is not directly consumed. The following are the right steps in handling food to keep it hygienic and safe for consumption.

  1. Wash hands and equipment thoroughly.
  2. Wash the food ingredients to be processed until clean.
  3. Boiled or steamed food must be done in the right way so that the taste is maintained.
  4. If cooking vegetables, it is advisable not to overcook them so that the nutrients in them are not lost.
  5. Reduce the use of oil in cooking so that cholesterol does not arise.
  6. Avoid cooking with temperatures that are too hot because it will damage the nutritional content, such as vitamins, folate and potassium.
  7. If cooking ingredients such as meat or seafood, cook them thoroughly to remove bacteria.

How to Store Food Safely

Food storage is basically aimed at preventing the growth and development of bacteria, preserving food and preventing pest attacks.

For this reason, in food storage, it is necessary to pay attention to the place of storage and storage temperature. If stored food spoils easily, it needs to be stored in cold or frozen temperatures.

There are several safe steps to store food to keep it healthy based on the food category.

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1. Cooked food

Storage of cooked food can be classified into two, namely food storage at normal temperatures and storage at cold temperatures.

Foods that go bad easily should be stored at a temperature below 4 degrees Celsius. Meanwhile, food that has been served for more than 6 hours needs to be stored at -5 degrees Celsius to -1 degrees Celsius.

Even though it has been cooked, not all good food can be consumed immediately after being stored. This is because these foods still have a risk of bacteriological contamination due to improper storage processes.

2. Raw food

There are some raw foods that spoil quickly if they are not processed immediately. For example vegetables and meat. However, if you want to store it as a stock, it’s best to store raw food in the fridge to keep it fresh.

Vegetables and fruit don’t need to be washed, just put them in a closed or airtight container. Make sure to differentiate the container according to the food category so it doesn’t affect other foods to spoil quickly.

As for fresh meat or fish, store it in the freezer without washing it first. If possible, store it in its original container to avoid bacterial contamination.

How to Prepare Food Safely

When serving food that needs attention is so that the food is protected from contamination. For this reason, the equipment used in the presentation is in good condition, clean and safe, the handler who serves must be polite and maintain the health and cleanliness.

At least, there are steps you can take to keep food serving safe for consumption.

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly.
  2. Washing cutlery, such as food containers, plates and spoons.
  3. Make sure the food is still suitable for consumption when it is served, for example, the food is fresh, not rotten, and does not smell.
  4. Separate food containers according to type. For example, vegetables, meat and fruit must be in different containers.
  5. Warm food when it just comes out of storage. However, there are some foods that cannot be heated, such as spinach, celery, coconut milk and mushrooms.


After knowing the right way to handle, store, and prepare food so that it remains safe for consumption, it is hoped that you can practice it properly at home.

Healthy and nutritious food is the main source for a healthy life. Therefore, you need to be careful when it comes to food. Make sure anything related to food is always clean.

Read more : Teaching Children about Healthy Eating and Cooking

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