Author: Cello Jones


History and Techniques of Japan’s National Dish

Cellojones – As we know that many Japan’s national dishes are famous in almost all corners of the world. In fact, we can find Japanese restaurants serving Japanese dishes in almost every country.

The delicious taste, unique appearance, and unique cooking and serving techniques have made this food much sought after by people from outside Japan.

However, who would have thought that some of these Japanese dishes have a long history.

History of Japan’s National Dish

It can be said that the most popular Japanese foods in the world are ramen, sushi and sashimi. As soon as we hear the name of these foods, we immediately know that they come from Japan.

If you are a fan of this Japanese food, take a look at its history to learn more about your favorite dish.

1. Sushi

Sushi originally came from a method of preserving fish from Southeast Asia which then spread to China and then to Japan. This preservation method is called narezushi.

Narezushi is a method of preserving fish by placing it on top of salted rice, then wrapping the outer part in a leaf. After going through the fermentation process, the fish will still be fit to eat even though it has been stored for a long time. After that, the rice and leaves will be removed.

It continues with namanare, food made from raw fish and wrapped in a layer of fish skin. Then eaten before the taste of fish is reduced.

These two foods became the forerunners of sushi that appeared in the Edo period, around 1600 to 1800. At that time, the Japanese put fish and vegetables in a fairly large fist of rice and continued to grow to the appearance of sushi as we know it today.

2. Ramen

Ramen is a noodle dish that was originally brought by the Chinese state as a result of the opening of a port in Japan in 1859. This noodle dish from China is popular among Japanese people. However, among ordinary people, the price of these foods was too high.

Then, over time, in 1910 to be precise, Japanese ramen appeared at a lower price. The forerunner of the ramen we know today was served at the Rairaiken ramen shop in Asakusa. It is known as the first ramen restaurant in Japan and was founded by Kanichi Ozaki.

3. Sashimi

Sashimi is a typical Japanese food which contains raw fish. The tradition of consuming raw fish by Japanese people is known to have been going on for centuries. Then its popularity increased in the 17th century when soy sauce became popular in Japan.

In addition, Japan’s geographical location close to the sea which is rich in fish also supports why Japanese people like this fresh raw fish food.

Read more : Teaching Children about Healthy Eating and Cooking

Technique of Japan’s National Dish

The way of serving Japanese National dishes has its own characteristics. The following are serving techniques for Japanese food, namely sushi, ramen, and sashimi.

1. Sushi

The technique of making sushi must be considered in several aspects. Such as the level of stickiness of rice, freshness of fish, and other mixed ingredients. To make the rice stickier and tastier, add sake to it and mix well.

There are five types of sushi based on the serving technique, namely:

  • Chirashizushi which is rice in a bowl with the addition of various toppings. In general, the toppings given are raw fish and vegetables.
  • Inarizushi is a type of sushi that uses fried tofu skin as a wrapper.
  • Nigirizushi, a type of sushi that is wrapped in nori but has fish wrapped on top.
  • Temarizushi has a filling in the form of fish or vegetables, but the shape is round. There is also sasazushi which has a rectangular shape.
  • Makizushi is rice rolled in nori or thin omelet, with various fillings.

2. Ramen

The technique for cooking Japanese ramen is by poaching, or boiling the ingredients with the lid on. Generally, noodles are made from flour and water. The more water, the chewier the noodles.

The noodle stew is put into a bowl containing a gravy made from various types of broth, generally pork stock. Then the ramen topping usually consists of chasiu, menma, and sliced ​​scallions added on top of the noodles.

3. Sashimi

There are several ways to enjoy sashimi including namasu. Namasu is a way of eating thinly sliced ​​raw fish dipped in soy sauce. But there are also those who add it with a little wasabi and chili sauce that comes from a plant similar to horseradish.

Not all types of fish can be made into delicious sashimi. It is known that there are several types of fish that are popular for making sashimi, namely salmon, tuna, clams, octopus, and tobiko.


So, that’s the history and techniques of some of Japan’s national dishes from You can also make it yourself at home by following some tutorials on the Internet to be able to taste this food without having to go to a Japanese restaurant.

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10 Yoga Poses to Boost Your Immune

Cellojones – Health is not something that can be replaced with anything, what is there is how you can achieve and maintain the health of your body. There are so many ways you can do to be able to live a healthy life, including adjusting your lifestyle, starting from a regular diet, managing a healthy diet, managing sleep patterns, and also the most important thing is how you can set your mindset. you.

Various steps taken physically can indeed have a significant impact on physical health. However, do you realize that mental health and also skills in managing mindsets and moods are the most important of all?

There are many ways you can do to keep your mind and mood positive. The thing that is talked about a lot is going on vacation, watching movies, and also other refresh activities. But there is one way that allows you to get two things, the first is peace of mind and heart, and the second is a physical movement which is beneficial for health. That way is yoga.

What is Yoga?

Yoga is a well-known method of meditation and is the oldest known method dating back thousands of years in India. There are many types of yoga that you can learn, but this time we will talk more about yoga movements that will be useful for your immune system, here are the reviews.

1. Montain pose or Tadasana

This is the first yoga pose movement and became the forerunner of yoga. This pose helps to improve blood circulation which will allow nutrients and oxygen to flow properly throughout your body. This can help you reduce stress and relieve headaches.

2. Child pose or Balasana

This is a very good yoga movement or poses for your immune system by helping to decongest your chest. Movements and poses that tend to be relaxed are also very good for the condition and position of your back. This can also give peace to your nerves and can relieve constipation in the stomach due to the consumption of bad food.

3. Fish pose or Matsyasana

This pose or yoga movement is considered the most suitable for practicing breathing in the inner diaphragm area and can balance the nervous system which is unorganized. This movement will open the upper body such as the heart and also the lungs. This method can also be used to improve your posture, and can also stimulate the thymus which is very helpful in the defense mechanism in your body.

4. Camel posture or Ustrasana

This is one of the most popular yoga poses and movements to boost your immunity, which also improves your respiratory and digestive systems. This movement will make the heart in a relaxed state and can open the arteries to the heart which makes it healthy and strengthens your shoulders and abdominal muscles as well as your thighs.

5. Bow pose or Dhanurasana

This pose will provide a good flow of white immune cells by suppressing the digestive tract. Stress and fatigue can also be reduced while strengthening your stomach and back. Menstrual pain will be reduced and also help kidney problems. Your spine can also be more flexible and less rigid.

Read more : How To Create a Nutritious Meal Plan

6. Chair pose or Utkatasana

This chair-like pose is an important component of the sun salutation and is used as a way to increase stamina and strength throughout the body. You can also strengthen your willpower and heart by losing weight and improving your respiratory system.

7. Tree pose or Vrksasana

This pose will make your spine stronger and nerve-muscle coordination better and increase your flexibility, maintain stamina and strengthen your mind. Keeping the balance will make you calm your mind and reduce stress.

8. Cobra pose or Bhujangasana

This pose will open your chest and release white blood cells which will boost your immunity. It will also reduce stress and fatigue as it improves blood circulation throughout the body.

9. Bridge pose or Setu Bandhasana

The pose opens the heart and improves blood circulation which increases your energy and immunity to protect against harmful pathogens.

10. Plow pose or Halasana

This pose makes you bend backward from a sleeping position on your back and allows you to release white blood cells which will strengthen the immune system. This pose also stimulates the thyroid gland for immunity. This pose will also strengthen the neck, abdominal, and back muscles while increasing body flexibility.

Those are 10 yoga poses or movements and their benefits for immunity from You can also try it at home and start feeling the benefits for your body’s health.

You can do a combination in carrying out various kinds of healthy ways of life, that way you will be able to enjoy the process of nourishing your body in many ways and can avoid feeling bored doing the same activities. For example, when you do strenuous activities in the gym for a long time, there is a possibility that you will feel bored and even choose to stop doing sports.

Try to do lots of variations in living a healthy life. If there are many choices to do things that are not healthy, then you also have to overcome them by making lots of variations in living a healthy life? Yoga can be a way to meditate as well as nourish your body because all the movements and poses are to improve your blood circulation.

The smoother the blood circulation, the healthier and more flexible it will be in moving it. Your activities will also not be disturbed.

Read more : History and Techniques of Japan’s National Dish

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How to Store and Prepare Food Safely

Cellojones – Food is one of the basic human needs to be able to sustain life. In order for survival to be fulfilled, healthy food is needed in the sense that it contains nutritional value, is not contaminated by microbes (germs) and other harmful substances.

There are at least four factors that influence the availability of healthy and unhealthy food, namely location (building and place) of food management, food processing equipment, food handlers and the food itself.

To keep food healthy and safe, we must know how to handle food, store food, and prepare food.

How to Handle Food Safely

Food handling determines whether or not the food is healthy. Food handling is the process of changing the shape of raw materials into ready-to-eat food. All food handling activities must be carried out in a manner protected from direct contact with the body of the food handler.

Protection of direct body contact with food is carried out by using plastic, gloves, and food tongs. The things that need to determine the success of food handling are food handlers, how to handle food and where to handle food.

After the food is cooked, the food needs to be stored if the food is not directly consumed. The following are the right steps in handling food to keep it hygienic and safe for consumption.

  1. Wash hands and equipment thoroughly.
  2. Wash the food ingredients to be processed until clean.
  3. Boiled or steamed food must be done in the right way so that the taste is maintained.
  4. If cooking vegetables, it is advisable not to overcook them so that the nutrients in them are not lost.
  5. Reduce the use of oil in cooking so that cholesterol does not arise.
  6. Avoid cooking with temperatures that are too hot because it will damage the nutritional content, such as vitamins, folate and potassium.
  7. If cooking ingredients such as meat or seafood, cook them thoroughly to remove bacteria.

How to Store Food Safely

Food storage is basically aimed at preventing the growth and development of bacteria, preserving food and preventing pest attacks.

For this reason, in food storage, it is necessary to pay attention to the place of storage and storage temperature. If stored food spoils easily, it needs to be stored in cold or frozen temperatures.

There are several safe steps to store food to keep it healthy based on the food category.

Read more : History and Techniques of Japan’s National Dish

1. Cooked food

Storage of cooked food can be classified into two, namely food storage at normal temperatures and storage at cold temperatures.

Foods that go bad easily should be stored at a temperature below 4 degrees Celsius. Meanwhile, food that has been served for more than 6 hours needs to be stored at -5 degrees Celsius to -1 degrees Celsius.

Even though it has been cooked, not all good food can be consumed immediately after being stored. This is because these foods still have a risk of bacteriological contamination due to improper storage processes.

2. Raw food

There are some raw foods that spoil quickly if they are not processed immediately. For example vegetables and meat. However, if you want to store it as a stock, it’s best to store raw food in the fridge to keep it fresh.

Vegetables and fruit don’t need to be washed, just put them in a closed or airtight container. Make sure to differentiate the container according to the food category so it doesn’t affect other foods to spoil quickly.

As for fresh meat or fish, store it in the freezer without washing it first. If possible, store it in its original container to avoid bacterial contamination.

How to Prepare Food Safely

When serving food that needs attention is so that the food is protected from contamination. For this reason, the equipment used in the presentation is in good condition, clean and safe, the handler who serves must be polite and maintain the health and cleanliness.

At least, there are steps you can take to keep food serving safe for consumption.

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly.
  2. Washing cutlery, such as food containers, plates and spoons.
  3. Make sure the food is still suitable for consumption when it is served, for example, the food is fresh, not rotten, and does not smell.
  4. Separate food containers according to type. For example, vegetables, meat and fruit must be in different containers.
  5. Warm food when it just comes out of storage. However, there are some foods that cannot be heated, such as spinach, celery, coconut milk and mushrooms.


After knowing the right way to handle, store, and prepare food so that it remains safe for consumption, it is hoped that you can practice it properly at home.

Healthy and nutritious food is the main source for a healthy life. Therefore, you need to be careful when it comes to food. Make sure anything related to food is always clean.

Read more : Teaching Children about Healthy Eating and Cooking

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How To Create a Nutritious Meal Plan

Cellojones – Healthy living is everyone’s need, who doesn’t want to live healthily? Everything we do and whatever we eat will not taste good if we are in a sick condition. Therefore, health is the most valuable treasure. There are many ways we can do so that we can keep our fitness level at the highest level, including by adopting a healthy lifestyle such as exercising, eating healthy food, not consuming alcohol or smoking, and many more.

One of the most crucial things is to regulate diet. Food is a source of nutrients needed by the body that enter through the mouth. Food is everything your body needs, so it is very important to be able to wisely manage what will enter your body.

What you eat will affect your behavior and also your body’s condition. This is a phrase that is quite relevant and makes sense because every food that enters the body will affect our output. Consumption of healthy food and drink will give good output to our body, and the opposite also applies.

Our body is designed to be able to choose what type of nutrition it needs, so we also have to know the content contained in the food we consume. Not many people want to pay attention to this kind of problem and tend to be more concerned with desires based on lust, not based on what the body needs.

How to Set a Healthy Diet

To be able to overcome eating problems and regulate nutrition and eating patterns, several ways can be done, including fasting, adjusting the portion of food on the plate, and choosing a menu that is healthy and what our bodies need.

Fasting is a method that has been practiced since ancient times, since our predecessors in the past. This method is believed to make our bodies healthier because we indirectly give our bodies a few moments of rest. The body will also make some adjustments that have a good impact on our body.

If you look at the spiritual side, fasting is also widely chosen as a supporter of the meditation process. At the time of fasting, we are training ourselves to be able to resist lust, we are thirsty to be able to refrain from overeating. Then the weak condition during fasting will make you tend to stay away from less essential things.

When you are about to end your fasting period, you are also still advised to take adequate food portions and menus. You need to control yourself so you don’t eat too much even though you haven’t eaten all day. But you need to be aware that the condition of the stomach that has adapted to fasting can feel a shock that makes your body feel bad. So it’s important to determine a menu for breaking the fast that is nutritious and gives you energy even if it’s only consumed in small portions.

Read more : History and Techniques of Japan’s National Dish

The Importance of Regulating Meal Portions

Then, as previously mentioned, is to set the portion of the meal on one plate. In the beginning, when we learn about healthy eating patterns, we are taught about 4 healthy 5 perfect, which is about the concept of setting daily meal portions that must meet our nutritional needs. An example is consuming rice, meat, vegetables, fruits, and supplemented with milk.

However, after the development of science regarding nutrition, an understanding of the percentage of a meal menu on one plate is being increasingly encouraged. The concept conveyed is that in one meal at least you must have a nutritious menu with a certain presentation.

So the menu that must be on the plate at one meal must include a menu of vegetables, meat, fruit, and milk. So the concept is more detailed and regulates the meal menu in one meal, not only telling what to eat but also info about the portions. This would certainly make more sense and have a more significant impact.

The Importance of Setting a Food Menu

The next thing to do is to regulate what types of food we need to consume, how many servings and the comparison with other menus on the plate, and the most important thing is to know the right way to process it. So far, we have probably seen a lot of the process of making food by frying it in oil, and indeed the taste of fried food is extraordinary.

But we must know that this method cannot be applied continuously because it can cause fat deposits due to oil. Try to go on an oil food diet, which means regulating oil consumption for the body. Try eating boiled or steamed foods, and of course, balance it with regular exercise.

Learn in detail from about managing a balanced diet and also how to manage a food menu that contains lots of good nutrition needed by the body and don’t overindulge yourself by consuming lots of instant food and drinks that contain lots of sugar and food preservatives, and damage your own body with alcohol consumption and smoking. Hopefully, always be in good health.

Read more : Teaching Children about Healthy Eating and Cooking

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Why Washing Your Hand Regularly is Important?

Cellojones – Hand washing is an easy way to prevent the spread of disease. Without realizing it, your hands often become intermediaries for various bacteria to enter the body. Unfortunately, there are still many who don’t know the benefits of washing hands with running water and soap. This article will explain about the positive impacts of washing your hands directly on your life so that you no longer forget this important habit.

What Are The Benefits Of Washing Hands?

Not everyone is aware of the numerous advantages that hand washing has on day-to-day activities. Studies indicate that there is still a low degree of public knowledge regarding hand washing.

The Minnesota Department of Health conducted a research to determine how frequently people wash their hands after using a lavatory in a public place. As a result, while 30–50% of males wash their hands, 64–75% of women do.

For bacteria and viruses to spread infectious illnesses, hands make the ideal hosts. Therefore, routinely washing your hands is one of the most crucial aspects of maintaining personal hygiene and safeguarding the health of your body.

The advantages of diligently washing your hands are as follows:

1. Prevent various diseases

The process of transferring germs can take place quickly, either from person to person or indeed from objects that have been contaminated. If they have entered the inside of the body, there is a possibility that they will interfere with the immune or immune system.

This will usually make you sick in response to an infection in the body by bacteria, germs, or viruses. The habit of washing hands properly and correctly will bring benefits in the form of effective prevention of disease transmission.

However, hands are often used to touch other body parts. Without realizing it you will touch your cheek, mouth, nose, or eyes. If your hands are dirty, germs can spread very quickly.

If hand-washing techniques are appropriate, you can clean germs and prevent them from spreading further. Some diseases that you can prevent by diligently washing your hands are:

  • Gastrointestinal diseases (diarrhea, food poisoning, and hepatitis A)
  • Respiratory disorders (pneumonia and flu)
  • Other infections (urinary tract infections, meningitis, and MRSA)

2. Kills germs and other harmful microorganisms

The removal of imperceptible bacteria from your hands is the second advantage of making hand washing a routine. Bacteria, germs, and viruses are certainly tiny in nature. Therefore, these bacteria are invisible to the unaided eye.

Need a different tool to be certain Even if they don’t capture your attention, they might still be on the surface of your hands and other nearby items. The items nearest to you that are most likely to have been infected also contain these bacteria, which are dispersed over the entire world. Cell phones, computers, tablets, shoes, and even luggage fall into this category.

Sneezing, coughing, or coming into touch with animals are just a few ways that you might spread germs and other microbes. As a result, you should always wash your hands after using the bathroom since germs can spread even when you can’t see them.

Read more : How To Create a Nutritious Meal Plan

3. Breaking the chain of disease transmission during a pandemic

In critical and unexpected times such as the emergence of a disease pandemic, the habit of washing hands can be something that saves many people. Washing your hands not only prevents you from transmitting disease but also has the benefit of protecting those around you.

In addition, the key to the success of society in dealing with a pandemic is when the people in it stick together in maintaining cleanliness, including implementing the habit of washing hands. Actions taken by one person will significantly influence a social group. You can bring big changes by starting from yourself. Therefore, make sure you never miss the habit of washing your hands, and always remind the people around you to start this habit.

4. Save your expenses

Diseases that are transmitted from unclean hands have varying levels of severity, ranging from mild to severe. The more severe the disease you suffer, of course, the greater the cost you have to spend to cure the disease. So, by adopting clean and healthy living habits such as diligently washing your hands, you will certainly benefit in the form of saving expenses because you go to the hospital less frequently.

Compared to spending extra when you’re sick, washing your hands only requires “capital” in the form of awareness, soap, and water. Try to try to discipline yourself to wash your hands so that you stay healthy. This is the easiest and cheapest way to prevent you from getting sick.

5. Preventing antibiotic resistance

Did you aware that an excessive amount of antibiotics are being administered at various healthcare facilities? Most infections-related illnesses, such influenza and diarrhea, can be treated without the use of antibiotics.

Unfortunately, many antibiotics are administered for illnesses or medical conditions that don’t require them, according to the CDC website. Antibiotic resistance might rise as a result of excessive antibiotic usage. As a result, antibiotics no longer effectively destroy microorganisms.

You can lower the likelihood of antibiotic resistance in your region by reducing the spread of infectious infections that call for antibiotics. Start doing this by making washing your hands a habit.

Read more : History and Techniques of Japan’s National Dish

When Do We Need To Wash Our Hands?

Make sure you always wash your hands with soap and running water. If it is difficult to find water and soap, you can use a hand sanitizer as a substitute. That is the importance of hand washing and I hope that this Cellojones article will benefit you in a way of improving your awareness on healthy daily life.

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How Much Water Should You Drink Every Day?

Cellojones – Fluid is one of the important components that the body needs. To meet your body’s fluid intake, you can work around this by drinking enough water regularly. Apart from paying attention to the schedule for drinking water, there are also rules for drinking water that you need to know.

The reason is, deficiency or excess water intake can both cause health problems. Therefore, listen to and apply the following rules for drinking water for a healthy body.

You may be used to hearing the recommendation to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day. The rules are not like that, you know. So, what is the schedule for drinking water that should be followed to maintain a healthy body?

1. The need for water is not 8 glasses per day

Not many people realize that drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day does not have strong scientific evidence. Precisely the right rule of drinking water according to the Institute of Medicine’s Food and Nutrition Board is 2.7 liters per day for women or the equivalent of 11.5 glasses of water. Meanwhile, the need for drinking water per day for men is 3.7 liters of water, or the equivalent of 15.5 glasses of water a day.

2. Drink water after waking up

Then, the recommended schedule for drinking water is to drink 1-2 glasses of water every day after waking up. Drinking water after waking up can help replenish lost fluids when you sleep for 7-8 hours.

In addition, drinking water after waking up can help the body’s metabolic processes and remove toxins from the body.

3. Drink water before eating

Drinking water about 30 minutes before eating can help expedite the digestive process. However, the amount also needs to be considered. How many glasses of water a day is recommended before eating? You only drink at least 1 glass of water.

The excessive white water content can interfere with the process of dissolving food and the function of enzymes needed by the digestive tract in digesting food. This is the suggestion for drinking water next.

4. Drink water when you feel tired

More than 60% of body functions depend on water, including the brain and nervous system. Lack of water can cause the body to experience fatigue, loss of concentration, headaches, depression, difficulty sleeping, and various other health problems. Therefore, the best time to drink water for health is to get into the habit of always drinking water when you feel tired.

5. Drink water before and after exercising

One of the activities that can cause the body to experience a lack of fluids is exercise because when exercising, a lot of fluid in the body is released through sweat.

Therefore, the recommendation for drinking water to prevent dehydration and increase body muscle strength is that you are advised to drink water before and after exercising.

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6. Drink water before going to bed

After being tired of carrying out activities throughout the day, another suggestion for drinking water is to consume water before going to bed. This simple step can also improve sleep quality. Thus, sleep becomes more restful.

7. Drink water when sick

The recommendation of drinking water in proper quantity is important, namely the schedule for drinking water when sick. Water can help increase endurance and balance fluid levels in the body that are needed when sick.

8. Don’t drink too much water

If a lack of fluids can interfere with the function of the body’s organs, excess fluids or over hydration can also cause health problems. Over hydration occurs due to the body experiencing water poisoning or hyponatremia.

4 Factors That Affect Fluid Needs

Several things can affect a person’s fluid needs. The more often you sweat or urinate, the more water you need to replace your daily fluid needs.

The following are several factors that influence the need for drinking water for everyone according to Cellojones:

1. Environment

The environment is one of the factors that determine how much water to drink. If you live in a hot area, you will sweat a lot, so you should also drink more water. Not only in hot environments, but even in high areas, the body excretes more water, so make sure to drink regularly to avoid dehydration.

2. Daily activities

If you often do activities that make you sweat a lot, such as sports, surely you should consume more water. If you exercise, be sure to drink before, during, and after exercise so you don’t get dehydrated.

3. Health conditions

Certain health conditions also affect your drinking water needs. Fever and diarrhea, for example, can remove large amounts of water from the body. Therefore you must drink more when experiencing this condition. Another condition that requires you to drink a lot is an infection in the urinary tract.

Read more : 10 Tips to Learn New Skills

4. Currently breastfeeding

Women who are breastfeeding must drink lots of water compared to women who are not, to maintain the need for fluids in the body.

In addition to maintaining fluid balance in the body, the benefits of water also play a role in helping the body’s metabolic system, smoothing the digestive process, nutrient absorption, and blood circulation to maintain body temperature.

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Impact of Digitalization on Travel Industry

Cellojones – Today’s technology has developed very rapidly, and even in recent years technology has become an important part of human daily life where the use of increasingly advanced technology has helped run activities more effectively and efficiently and flexibly.

Technological developments have also given rise to new media, namely the internet, where the internet, which has existed for a long time and is now something that humans always need to support their activities. Humans can obtain accurate, fast, precise, easy, and complete information needs that can penetrate the boundaries of space and time through the internet.

The development of gadgets is also very fast from year to year, which is always increasing in quality and adding innovative features that answer the needs of its users. Now many mobile applications are available and can be accessed easily on the internet.

So now humans are starting to depend on and cannot be separated from the use of technology and the internet which has slowly changed human behavior. One of the negative impacts that can be caused is reduced socialization between people because they tend to focus too much on themselves interacting with technology. But behind these negative impacts, technology also brings many positive impacts.

Advantages of Technological Development

Many benefits can be received along with the development of this technology in various sectors, one of which is the tourism sector.

Technology and tourism are now intertwined. Where in the past, when you wanted to promote a tourist destination, you needed to use promotional media such as pamphlets, brochures, magazines, and so on. But now it has turned into social media which is considered the most effective for promoting tourism. Simply by accessing the internet on a gadget, people can easily receive and disseminate information during the stages of their tour, starting from planning, on the road, and after the trip.

For example, when a person or group wants to go on a tour, they will first plan by looking for information related to what the destination has to offer, the use of transportation, and suitable accommodation for their trip. Then they will easily access the internet to find out what they need. In addition, the existence of an online reservation-supporting application makes it easy to order online.

Read more : 10 Tips to Learn New Skills

Technology Helps Find Tourist Attractions

Furthermore, when traveling, the presence of technology and the internet is very helpful for tourists to be able to find out how to get to that place through Google maps which is often used when traveling, to find out where to eat typical of the area they visit, and find out where to shop for souvenirs in the area.

Then, the benefits that can be obtained after traveling (post-trip), namely tourists can share their travel experiences through social media which then this information can be received by other users which can also be a means of promoting destinations that have been visited which can be a factor in determining decisions for traveler.

So that social media is one of the most important factors to influence tourists’ decisions so that they can provide an overview of the destinations they want to visit. Therefore, more attention is needed by managers to actively participate in interestingly updating information and to meet tourist expectations. Because of course what is witnessed via the internet is expected to be following the actual conditions that exist in that destination.

Read more : 7 Tips to Stop Overthinking

Technology in Handling COVID while Traveling

In addition, the connection between technology and other tourism is under the conditions that are currently being faced, namely with the Covid-19 pandemic which has greatly impacted the tourism industry. Initially, tourism activities that had to interact directly at destinations were then very limited and even closed.

Various solutions have been made to revive the tourism industry even during this pandemic; one of the steps that have been taken is by procuring virtual tourism that utilizes technology and the internet. This concept is an alternative for those who want to still get the feel of a vacation exploring a destination through digital and virtual concepts.

However, along with the ongoing handling of Covid-19, an innovation has been made, namely by reopening access to tourist destinations, but with conditions that the tourists must comply with health protocols and have been vaccinated.

Proof of vaccine certificates and QR codes are also available on the application. This is one of the uses of technology because now many people are downloading the application for easy access in certain places, and when they want to travel they can directly monitor the level of spread of the virus in the area they are visiting just by accessing it via their cell phone.

Through these examples from, it has been proven that tourism activities cannot be separated from the use of technology where along with the continuous development of technology and the internet, it has also changed the behavior of tourists to determine their visiting decisions to a tourist destination. However, in utilizing this technology, tourists must also be wise to minimize the negative impacts that can arise due to the rapid digital era today.

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5 Ways To Prepare for an Active Vacation

Cellojones – Vacation plans should not just be plans, they must be realized so that they are more exciting and memorable. Making plans before the holidays is very useful, the goal is that you don’t miss anything important.

If the holidays are not planned properly, then the holidays may not be so enjoyable. Because we don’t know what we want to do later, other than that there could be changes or obstacles when we are on vacation. then by having a plan, your vacation will feel easier.

Of course many of you really like vacation. Enjoying vacation time in a beautiful place is indeed a pleasant thing. But, are there any of you who have traveled all the way to a beautiful place and ended up lying in the hotel all day?

This is very unfortunate, where you should be able to enjoy the beauty of the natural surroundings or enjoy the fresh air there instead you spend time only in the hotel room, and with time you don’t feel like you have to return to your routine.

For those of you who want to do an active vacation, this article is suitable for you. because below will use 5 ways to plan and prepare for an active vacation.

For you who like to lie down at the hotel while you vacation, we shave some tips so that your vacation feels more active and memorable.

Tips for Planning an Active Vacation

So that your vacation is not boring, you can follow 5 ways to plan and prepare for an active vacation, you can follow the points below:

1. Set a schedule for your vacation

For those of you who want to vacation with friends or family, make sure you choose the right schedule. Make sure everyone you want to invite is available to take on vacation. If you already have school children, you can choose a holiday schedule when your child is off school.

In addition, if you want to vacation abroad, you can adjust it according to the current season in the country you want to visit.

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2. Select the destination you want to visit

After determining the schedule, then you can determine the tourist destinations that you want to visit with friends or family. Choose the most suitable destination for your vacation. Make sure to adjust it according to activities you want to do.

For example, if you want to go to a cold place, you can choose a destination in a mountainous area, or if you want to sunbathe, you can choose a destination in a beach area. Or maybe if you want to take a vacation while playing games, you can choose a destination that provides rides for games in it.

And if you want to visit many tourist attractions at once, make sure you also survey the distances between tourist attractions, because this will make it easier for you to choose a place to stay.

In addition, make sure you also survey access to the tourist attractions you want to visit, because this will affect you in finding a suitable mode of transportation for you to use. Because some beautiful places can only be accessed by motorbike because the road is quite small and access is limited.

Apart from tourist attractions, you can also include typical culinary delights on the list. Of course, besides being able to taste regional food, this will make you not confused about choosing a place to eat where you are traveling.

3. Choose the accommodation

If during your vacation you want to visit many tourist attractions at once, so that it is cheaper you can choose the accommodation that is in the middle of several tourist attractions that you want to visit. Or you can also choose a place to stay that is closest to an area where there are many tourist attractions that you want to visit. Because usually in one area there are several tourist attractions at once, so you can adjust it accordingly.

Make sure you also see reviews of the hotel you want to use, besides that you can also check what facilities are provided by the hotel. After that, you can choose the hotel that best suits your needs.

4. Create a daily schedule

After you determine the schedule, tourist attractions, and accommodations, you can continue to make a daily schedule.

You can use this daily schedule as a benchmark for taking an active vacation. This schedule can be filled with your schedule to eat and visit tourist attractions.

For example, you will start waking up at 6 am to get ready and have breakfast, and after that around 9 am, you will start visiting tourist attractions. After that, at 5 pm you will go back to the hotel, and have dinner at 8 pm.

In addition to the tourist attractions that you can visit per day, this schedule can also help you to share your meal schedule so that you can taste most of the list of regional specialties. This can also help you shorten the time in thinking “what food should I eat?”.

Make sure while on vacation you also pay attention to the weather forecast, so you can adjust to the activities you want to do on that day.

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5. Prepare a budget

To be able to travel, of course, you must have money. Setting up a budget can help you plan how long you have to save. In addition, for those of you who have a limited budget, you need to prepare the budget first, then choose tourist attractions and accommodations so that you can stay on vacation on a budget.

This budgeting is made as your reference in the amount of money you will spend while on vacation. Make sure you include an emergency fund in your travel budget. Because we will never know what will happen when we go on vacation.


That’s 5 ways to plan and prepare for an active vacation so that your vacation feels more enjoyable and unforgettable from I hope the above information can help you in preparing for your vacation.

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Protect Your Trip With Travel Insurance

Cellojones – Who travels a lot? Domestic or international trips? For those of you who often buy travel tickets directly on websites that provide online ticket booking services, you must already know that in recent years, provider companies have offered additional options for buying travel insurance.

Whether it’s a business trip or vacation, of course, we want a safe, secure, and enjoyable journey when traveling. For those of you who think that travel insurance is not important, let’s take a look at this article.

For those of you who often travel both domestically and internationally, and are curious about protecting yourself and your trip with travel insurance, this article is suitable for you to read.

Because after this we will discuss how to protecting yourself and your trip with travel insurance.

Definition of Travel Insurance

Travel insurance is a type of insurance that provides protection as long as we travel both domestically and abroad. So you can still travel in peace.

Travel insurance may not yet be familiar to everyone, however, a few countries throughout the world have even mandated tourists or new comers to have travel insurance, for example, countries in Europe and America. This travel insurance is quite affordable, if you compare it with the total price of the trip and the benefits you can get, it’s only a fraction. It’s still more expensive for a cup of coffee that you buy at the airport or station. That are relatively low, which varies depending on the coverage desired, the length of the trip and the purpose of the trip.

Travel Insurance Benefits

What are the benefits of travel insurance? Travel insurance offers benefits in the form of medical coverage for tourists during the trip. However, if it is still lacking, there are several additional premiums that you can choose for protection. For example protection for luggage delay/loss, travel schedule delays to flight cancellations, to home protection when traveling away from home for quite a long time.

In general, there are two types of insurance offered in travel insurance, the first is a single trip program that can guarantee one trip for a certain period of time (usually it will guarantee up to a maximum of 180 days per trip). There is also an annual program, which is an insurance program that can cover or guarantee each trip for a maximum of 90 (ninety) days/trips throughout the year. Again, the premiums and dependents you get vary, depending on the company and the package you choose.

However, please note that there are things that travel insurance does not cover, for example, if the destination country is unsafe or has received an announcement from the government as an inappropriate country to visit, either due to natural disasters or terrorism.

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Types of Travel Insurance

You need to know that currently two types of travel insurance are usually offered by insurance companies:

• Domestic travel insurance

Leisure or business trips should run smoothly from the time you leave until the trip ends. But in reality, unexpected things can and often do happen, and the comfort of your trip can change instantly. Travel insurance is one of the important preparations that is needed before your departure.

In general, several insurance companies offer the following for this type of domestic travel insurance

  1. Death and permanent disability due to accidents
  2. Medical costs due to accidents
  3. Medical costs due to illness
  4. Travel Delay
  5. Loss or damage to personal items & baggage
  6. Emergency medical evacuation & repatriation
  7. Personal legal liability

• International travel insurance

Before you go on vacation, make sure you have access to travel insurance, rest assured that you will be prepared for the various possibilities that can occur. Wherever the journey takes you, you can enjoy it with confidence, knowing you have the right protection.

Accidents such as accidents and health problems can occur unexpectedly at any time, including when you are on vacation. Don’t forget about the risk of travel delays, aircraft misconnection and lost luggage which will also cause inconvenience during your trip.

Some of the superior benefits provided:

  1. Death and permanent disability due to accidents
  2. Medical costs due to accidents and illness
  3. Advanced medical costs
  4. Travel delays, trip misconnection
  5. Loss or damage to personal effects, baggage and money
  6. Emergency medical evacuation and repatriation
  7. Personal legal liability

Make sure your trip is worth it his trip abroad went as smoothly as possible.

You need to remember, every insurance company has its own facilities, some of the facility points above are an illustration of the facilities that are usually offered by insurance companies.

Be wise in choosing the insurance company you want to use, make sure you choose the insurance that best suits your needs.

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Insurance Disbursement Process

The process of disbursing funds or using insurance is divided into two schemes. The first scheme, if the insurance company is included in the worldwide provider. For example, if you have an accident at your destination, all you have to do is show the insurance to the hospital. But not all insurance companies provide this.

The second scheme, if you have an accident at your destination, you can first seek treatment at that place, then you can ask for a statement from the doctor as proof to submit a claim to the insurance company at your place of origin.


For those of you who like traveling domestically and abroad, you must have travel insurance every time you go traveling. Whether only domestically or internationally, we never know the risks that can come. Prepare travel insurance in advance before traveling, don’t arrive at your destination and apply for insurance in vain. What must always be remembered is to carefully read the policy and understand the rights and obligations be choosing insurance.

Those are some points can say about protecting yourself and your trip with travel insurance. I hope the formation above can provide enlightenment for you, especially for those of you who often travel both domestically and abroad.

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